Boy Name Generator

    Random Boy Names

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    About This Generator

    Random Boy Name Generator

    In need of a random male name? You’ve come to the right place! Find male name ideas or use it as a character name generator for the boys and men in your novel — you decide.

    This boy name generator includes over 900 male names from different time periods and cultural origins to offer a huge variety of options. Alternate spellings are also included so you can get creative and unique.

    Each time you click, the generator will create a list of 12 random boy names. If you don’t like your options, simply click again and you’ll get 12 more to choose from.

    Generators for Male Names & More

    We’ve taken the time to gather and curate thousands of names and build them into fun and easy-to-use name generators.

    In addition to boy names, we also have a girl name generator, a unisex name generator, and many more! You’re sure to find a name that fits your needs.

    We update each generator as we find new names so we can continue to offer as many choices as possible. Explore all our generators and have fun!